Meet Lily Manspeaker

Lily's journey as an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist began from her own personal experiences and her family's struggles with orofacial dysfunction. She was determined to find effective therapies and treatments that could address these issues and enhance the quality of life for both herself and her loved ones. With over 13 years of experience as a holistic dental hygienist, Lily made the pivotal connection between oral health and airway health. This discovery led her to dive into the world of myofunctional therapy and airway health education.

Lily's work is guided by her commitment to a holistic approach to care. She firmly believes that the well-being of the mouth impacts the well-being of the entire body. She wholeheartedly embraces the world of myofunctional therapy and airway health education, constantly seeking to deepen her knowledge and skills while adopting a root cause approach to patient care…