How It Works 

Your first visit will consist of a Comprehensive Evaluation. We will go over a detailed health and birth history and symptoms. An in-depth functional assessment will be performed. Multiple videos and photos to evaluate for possible orofacial myofunctional disorders(OMDs), observe muscle function, look at tongue mobility, observe chewing and swallowing function, and discuss your goals. You can expect a 60-90-minute appointment for your first visit. You will receive a detailed report of my findings, OMDs that were identified, and any referrals I feel may be necessary for optimal treatment outcomes. The report will be sent within one week of the evaluation. After the evalution, I will create an individulized treatement plan to suit your needs. The comprehensive evaluation is done in person.  

Cost for the Comprehensive Evaluation is $195 and will be collected at the time of service.

Treatment length will vary depending on the severity of the disorders. Once we’ve determined the OMDs that contribute to your functional problems we will design an individualized exercise routine to help resolve them. We will teach you to properly do the exercises, and you will continue to do daily exercises(10-15 minutes) for anywhere from 6-12 months depending on the case. We believe that a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to achieve success in treating the patient. In some cases, other allied professionals such as dentists, orthodontists, osteopaths, and chiropractors can ensure that the patient’s needs are addressed and handled appropriately.

Therapy happens in three stages: A majority of the therapy sessions are done virtually

The Intensive Phase- 1-2 months. We will meet once per week for 4-8 weeks to go over exercises and check progress and function.

Generalization Phase-  We will meet every two weeks.

Maintenance Phase- is to make sure the new muscle patterns you’ve established are set. We will meet once a month or every other month until habituation is successful.  

You should expect up to 14 therapy sessions ranging from 30-50 minutes per session.  

Cost: 14 therapy session program is $2,100. A 3% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions. If paid in full a 10% discount will be applied to your account. 

Insurance: You may be able to receive reimbursement from your insurance company. This is the responsibility of the family to arrange this with your insurance provider. We can provide you with a "superbill", which includes diagnostic and procedure codes that can be submitted to your insurance company. We ask that families act as the liaison for any direct communication with their insurance companies.